In July 1992, through faith a seed was planted for a new ministry in the city of Lubbock. The aspiration for a new home of the Ford Memorial Saints, as well as a Jurisdictional Headquarters was a vision coming into reality for Bishop Watson and former Bishop J.E. Alexander. The members of the Ford Memorial family moved into the new facility and began to enter into a new dimension of praise and worship, community outreach, and youth development previously not available due to the lack of facilities. Souls were added to the church almost weekly "such as should be saved." It became evident that God put a special anointing on the move and the leadership of this ministry.
On February 14, 1993, the Lord moved Bishop Watson to name our congregation AGAPE TEMPLE. When Bishop announced the name that the Lord had given to him, the Congregation openly began to praise and worship God. From the day that God told Pastor Watson to "Go Forward And Don't Look Back," God has continued to prove himself to us. God told Bishop Watson that, "This is to be a walk of faith," and certainly, that is what it has been. It has not been an easy path we have traveled, but "through it all God has brought us out all-right." During that time, we were blessed to have started a day care & learning center for the youth, singles and couples ministries, brotherhood and young women's ministries, and Sunday School classes for all ages including young adult, senior men and women, and college age. We have to admit, "We've come this far by faith, leaning on the Lord."
On October 17, 2010 Elder Daryl J. Collins was installed as Pastor. Today the Agape Temple Church is alive and bursting with enthusiasm. Through the power of the Holy Ghost, we are reaching new plateaus as we march boldly with the banner of Holiness and Truth. Through the vision that God has given, we seek to touch countless amounts of people each year with the love and joy of Jesus Christ our Lord.

Our Mission
"Our purpose is to bring people to Jesus and membership into His family, develop them to Christ like maturity, and equip them for their ministry in the church and life mission in the world, in order to magnify God's name."
Daryl Collins
On December 21, 1969, Elder Daryl J. Collins a native of Lubbock TX was born to the parents of Elder Charles and Jean Collins. At the age of 14 Elder Collins heard and accepted the call of God to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In 1994, under the leadership of Bishop W.H. Watson he was ordained an elder in the Church of God in Christ. <read more>
Le'Gena Collins
First Lady
Evangelist Missionary LeGena Watson-Collins was born in Arkansas City, Kansas to the parents of the late Bishop and Lady W.H. Watson. As a child and through her adult years she served under the ministry and tutelage of her “beloved” father. At the tender age of five Lady Gena realized that she had a strong passion and love for God. <read more>
James Alexander
Assistant Pastor
Pastor James Alexander is the Assistant Pastor at ATC (Agape Temple COGIC). He has lead the Wednesday evening prayer and facilitated under several Pastors for over 30 years. Agape Temple is blessed to have such an amazing man of God to assist with leading our church.